Saturday, November 28, 2009

To Thanksgiving Break again

Thanksgiving Break, I sure am thankful for you. Even after you're over, I'm so glad you were there for me. My plans for you as discussed in my previous letter? Didn't pan out so well...

First off I said I would pass the 14 hour drive with sleeping, reading, and listening to music. No reading got done, and not even that much sleeping because I spent most of the ride with a pretty killer headache. Thank goodness for that great man Dr. Pepper. Without him I don't think I would have started you out well at all, break. I think I said I was going to read a whole lot of Harry Potter while enjoying you... I didn't. I maybe read 10 pages. I believe I also said I would hammer out a lot of homework. Well... Lets just say I still have the 14 hours in the car on the way back to Utah to hammer that out... As for the BYU-Utah game. Thank you for providing such a great game. However, I didn't see a single second of it. I actually spent all Saturday at the UW-WSU game watching UW trounce the Courgars and our TV blacked out the Y game for some reason so I couldn't even TiVo it.

I did spend a lot of time with Ashley, which rocked my world. She and I made some life changing decisions for me and a few other people. We also probably greatly confused my extended family and they most likely think I brought home a sugar momma to introduce to my parents. Love ya, Ashley! haha.

All in all I have loved spending you, my 2nd favorite break, at home for the first time in five years. I'm tired now, so I'm going to enjoy the next five hours of sleep before I spend the last 14 hours of you in a car putting off all that homework until monday.


  1. hahaha You are a good comedic writer Rob. I hope you have a safe journey back home. Glad you and Ashley had a great time. Hope you spent some quality time with your ma and pa too! Bummer about the BYU game...we ordered a special channel for this month of Comcast so we could see it...

  2. I mean, I'm sorry if I caused confusion with your extended family... Although being referred to as a sugar momma definitely brightened my day slash made me feel even older than I already am! Love to the Perry family who were kind enough to invite me to their home for Thanksgiving. And thanks for a fun/productive Thanksgiving break Rob!! Can't wait for Christmas break to see what other life decisions we can make!

  3. Ya, breaks are never a good time for homework. I botched that area myself and ended up stressing myself out on the first day of school after the break.

    Also, I share your love for Dr. Pepper.
